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Quince Orchard High School Media Center: MCPS Digital Balance Initiative

Quince Orchard High School Digital Media Center

Update on Digital Balance

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During the 2022–2023 school year, the Montgomery County Council of Parent Teacher Associations (MCCPTA) passed a resolution (linked below) focused on Digital Balance. The resolution requested that safety and balance considerations be made to maximize the effective use of technology while incorporating non-screen-time experiences for students. Since then, members from all union groups and MCCPTA have been provided opportunities to share feedback on the resolution and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) safety considerations for technology use through professional learning community focus groups and an open-ended survey. The feedback was used to create guidelines for digital balance for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). In alignment with Be Well 365, schools provide digital citizenship instruction, including digital balance, throughout the school year. Click on the link to view the Digital Balance Memo.


Helpful Links
• MCCPTA Digital Balance Resolution
• MSDE Health and Safety Best Practice Guidelines: Digital Devices
Digital Best Practices for Educators
• Be Well 365 Webpage on MCPS Site (see Digital Citizenship and Common-Sense Media Resources)